Nevada Labor Market Information

Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)

In the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program, the Research and Analysis Bureau collects and compiles employment and wage data for workers covered by Nevada unemployment insurance laws, and federal civilian workers covered by Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees. The QCEW staff arranges the data by type of industry according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). They assign each employing unit a NAICS code and location code. After screening the quarterly data, they transmit it to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). BLS combines all of the states’ data for analysis of national economic trends and performance. Check out more information on supersectors (2-digit classification).

QCEW data are used by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the U.S. Department of Commerce as a base for estimating a major portion of the total wage and salary component for national personal income and Gross Domestic Product. State agencies use the QCEW data to benchmark the Current Employment Statistics estimates. The QCEW program uses the UI administrative files of employers’ quarterly reports to develop a complete list of employment by geographic location, which is important at both state and national levels for sampling firms, for research studies, and for the development of LMI programs at sub-state levels.

Current QCEW Data

Size Class

This quarterly report provides employment and worksite statistics by business size classification for the State and all 17 counties.

Current Release


Employment and Payrolls Publication

This publication contains Nevada employment data, payroll data, and average wages by industry for the calendar year. The most recent edition of the Nevada Employment and Payrolls is 2017. The full publication will no longer be produced. Some limited portions of that publications will be available at under the Employment and Payrolls heading. These will be the covered employment distributed by month and county and the summaries found on pages 1,5, and 9 of the past editions. If you need newer editions of other sections of the document, feel free to contact us at

Most Recent Release

Data Search Data Search Instructions

This interactive data tool provides a variety of information on subjects ranging from Business contact information to Employment and Wage statistics. If you have questions about finding the data you are looking for, or if you experience problems trying to use the tool, please contact us at 775-684-0450 or at

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